
We are the Denver-area chapter of the International Aerobatic Club, a division of the Experimental Aircraft Association. Our members come from all along the Front Range from Ft. Collins to Colorado Springs, as well as from neighboring states. RMAC's goal is safety above all else. We share a love of aerobatic flying, whether for personal enjoyment, the precise demands of competition, or working on the sidelines as judges and support personnel at contests. Our activities fall into three main categories:

  • Competition
  • Recreational flying, including critique and practice days
  • Group meetings and social events

To learn more, click on one of the menu links above. Thanks for visiting!

Thanks Doug Lovell!

A big "thank you" to Doug Lovell who served as IAC Chapter 12’s President these past two years!  Doug is off pursuing new adventures in Uruguay and we are thankful for his stint as President and his enthusiasm!

We recently reached out to the paid members on our membership list to propose we refresh the leadership for the club.  Unanimously the members approved a new Board of Directors (BoD) consisting of 5 members.  Our founding charter calls for 3-5 members on the BoD. We proposed and ratified the approach for the BoD that includes the President, the Treasurer, the President Elect and two members at large elected annually. Duncan Koerbel will serve as President through the end of 2018.  Jim Murray has volunteered to pick it up in 2019. Pat Fogarty continues to serve as treasurer and Mike Arensmeyer and James Grenfell are the two at large elected member’s for 2018. See the About Us tab in the website.

IAC Chapter 12 Brings Home Gold, Silver, and Bronze from Tequila Cup

Congratulations to the Rocky Mountain Aerobatic Club IAC Chapter12 team who treked to the Tequila Cup!  We sent down a big team and placed strongly across the board.  Well done to Vibeke Gaard who took first in Primary and Sam Robinson who took first in Sportsman. Chris Phillips and Jared Hulse took second as well in Primary and Sportsmans, respectively.  DJ Molny stole his old ride (N133DF) and placed 3rd in Intermediate to round out podium.  Well Done.  Great Season!  .


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